Cubs Video Clips: Cubs Held a Kids Press Conference at CubsCon and the Result was Priceless

Everyone who attended Cubs Convention this weekend seemed to be floating around on a cloud, high above the normal concerns of most major league baseball fans and thoroughly wrapped up in the glory of being World Series champions. That was true for adults and kids alike.

If there’s one thing the Cubs do well, outside of winning lots and lots of baseball games, it’s giving kids a direct connection to the players. We all know they let the kids run the bases after their home games, then there’s the fluffy mascot Clark – which my kids completely love and always ask if I saw whenever I go to a game, and this weekend at Cubs Convention there was a kids only press conference. The result was, as you could probably guess, absolutely priceless.

My favorite question was directed by a fan to Kyle Schwarber, asking “Are you going to play in the regular season this year or just wait for the World Series again?” Here’s the full video.